Saturday, June 29, 2013

Nelson Mandela's ailing health and Pres Barak Obama's visit

There's a kind of hush over South Africa today.   On the one hand we are holding our breath for the ailing 94 year old Nelson Mandela and on the other hand we are happy to see Pres Obama in South Africa.   I'm feeling depressed by the latest crime reporting in our area - a couple of hours ago someone was attacked by an armed robber two streets away in their home in broad daylight while watching TV and shot in the leg.  Our local policing forum is on full alert 24/7 with their their hands full out in the freezing cold nights, and doing a sterling job trying to cover a radius of about 8 sq kms to keep our community safe with the assistance of  the patrol cars of numerous security companies and the meagre police force in this area.

We are praying for our community, our suburb, our city and our country, but only God knows what is going to happen if this continues !      Electric Fencing, alarm systems, dogs, patrol cars and policing forums don't even deter these people anymore.   The jails are full, the justice system cannot cope, there is a moratorium on crime reporting and people have to fend for themselves, while corruption grows in the police force.   Who will hold our Government accountable ?

I don't think this is what Nelson Mandela had in mind when he shook hands with FW de Klerk in 1990

!Calling Off His Visit, Obama Acclaims Ailing Mandela

Some of the crime incidents which are happening in our suburb as we speak !

More videos of Tandjiesberg robbery

 Video footage of attempted break in at Tandjiesberg Ave. This might be the same silver golf that has been involved in house robberies in the past. · about an hour ago
Attempted car theft Susan Avenue, Glenanda Red Polo, 4 African males
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Attached post is video of Tandjiesberg motor vehicle break in
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Like · Reply · 5 minutes ago via mobile
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Break in @ Bassonia complex @ 04:45 this morning, Silver Polo with Reg no beginning with

Community Policing Forum Artur if u wish to patrol give us a shout and we will arrange
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Theft out of motor vehicle in Tandjiesberg @ 04:18 this morning, attached is photo of suspect

Armed robbery in Rodene Avenue, 3 black males in BMW coupe, owner shot in leg, rushed to Mulbarton hospital,
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These people are fearless - in broad daylight, they must be on dagga ! What was the BMW's colour ?
 what's happening in the Glenvista area.......... it is becoming one hell of a hotspot!!!Bottom of Form
Robbery in Park Drive @ 14:20
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UPDATE: Manager killed during robbery on Columbine: SUSPECT WANTED:

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